Friday, July 8, 2011

Making a DIY checkers set with my kids

Guest post written by Margaret Kane

My kids are some of the craftiest kids that I've ever met. They're just so creative and I try to encourage that creativity. I just wish that I was as creative as they are! I'm not really sure who they got it from. But most of this summer, we've been staying busy with creative craft projects and I was starting to run out of ideas.

So I went online to try and find out exactly what I could make with them that we would be able to use for a long time, instead of just hanging the creations up on the fridge like we do for most of them. While I was looking online to try and come up with some craft ideas, I ran across the website and after I looked through it a little bit I decided to change over my home internet service to the company.

Then I came across a DIY checkers set project that I thought would be fun to try out. So we're currently working on that and spending some extra time on it so that we'll be able to keep it in the family for years to come.

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