Sunday, November 14, 2010

Mini Me American Version

Most people say that my little man looks like me a lot, his face structure is a lot like mine. But he's more American version, his reddish hair, his hazel eyes, and his skin complexion. I am so happy to know that one of my kids got my genes, although they are all boys but at least they got something from my Asian genes. Also, i am happy that i am seeing some behaviors of them that shows they are somewhat Asian as well. Just like my oldest son, he eats what i eat. Unlike other kids that are very picky and parents are having hard time what to feed them. But his looks is a lot like his father, everything in him, except his skin complexion is like mine, darker but beautiful.

This little man is just like his big brother too, he eats whatever i feed him which is good. This is my mini me boy, he also acts like me, a boy with perseverance, determined and more into action. He's very opposite to his big brother which is more reserved and quiet, but full of questions in his minds that he wants to know the answer. He is one handful, yet very adorable and huggable. My kids are totally different in their own ways, and i love them both for what they are.
My little bully baby

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