Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Bully Little Brother

When i had my youngest one, i was expecting that he will be a lot like his big brother. But as he is growing, i noticed and realized that he is totally different from my eldest. My five year old son is the one's quiet, reserved and a very observant boy. He notices everything and asks a lot of questions if he doesn't understand what is going on. The youngest one, although he doesn't talk yet, but i am seeing how very opposite he is from his big brother already. He is also a bossy kind, he wants to get what he wants right away and if he can't, then he will make so much noise and won't stop until he'll get the attention he wants.

Last night, big brother was playing his online game in his computer. And this bully little brother came and was so clever that he pushed the chair towards the computer desk and climbed through it. What he did was he smacked the keyboard and made his big brother's online game disappeared. He exit the online game and made his big brother upset. What's good thing about big brother is, he just can't dare hurt his little brother, all he can do is to cry or run to me and tell me that his little brother is being bully again, he's hurting him. I have been telling my oldest son that if his brother hurts him, he should not hurt him back for he doesn't know what he is doing yet. If he does it, then we will just put him in his crib so he will know that he is being timed out. This is just one of many pictures i got as evidence how bully is my youngest. I am just hoping that, he will change as he grows.
Bully baby brother turned off his big brother's online game

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