Monday, November 29, 2010

Christmas Attire For The Boys

I have been thinking what to buy for my boys now. Since Christmas is fast approaching, i would like to have their presents ready early so i don't have to rush buying something for them. I still have no list that i made but i will try to work on it probably this week. Also i can't think of anything what to give for my dear husband yet. But i will figure that out soon what to get for my special other half.

I am planning that i will buy polos for my boys and also for hubby so we can have a nice family picture this year. I need to get them those decent looking polos so they will be all wearing the same. I am thinking that this polo below is a nice one and this is the one that i found so far that i like. Well see, i still have to find them something else to see if i can find a better design and style. I also have to buy a decent dress for myself for our picture taking. I hope the picture will come out as good as what i am imagining right now.

Heated Mattress Pads

The snow came late this year but boy when it came, it sure poured big time! It started snowing from Sunday and until last night. That made the whole town freezing cold. That's why i bought some heated mattress pads for my kids and for our master's bedroom to make sure that our bed will be kept warm. Because last time when we left the house and when we came back, our beds was frozen for we turned off the heater. Our master's bedroom felt like it was a cave and the bed felt like it's hard as a rock. So now that we have mattress pads, we will be kept warm during at night.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Happy Wiggly Potato

I am so happy that my little one is all better now. I was so worried and scared during our trip because he was having a high fever plus coughing and having runny nose. The trip went well, but knowing that my little one is sick, i cannot take lots of pictures as much as i'd like to for i have to watch him and take care of him. I'd rather see him being handful and playful than seeing him weak, whining and crying.

He is teething and i know that's the cause of his fever. Now that we are home, so glad that he is all better and back to normal, a happy wiggly little potato. He likes to have so much fun and gives his smile to Daddy, Mommy and his big brother. These photos i attached below only tells everybody that he feels better now and ready to play again!

Document Management

There are a lot of things to consider when starting a business. My brother are just barely starting his and now he is trying to do the document management of his files. He's got to do it for the records keepsake. Although he knows how to keep all the records by just making his own files, but still he wanted to have it organized and kept forever. He is one perfectionist when it comes to things like that, and i am glad that he is working really good on his business which he is looking forward to make it bigger in the near future.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

What I Am Thankful For This Thanksgiving

What are you thankful for this thanksgiving day??? If you will ask me the same question, i will answer it with a smile on my face. I have a lot of things to be thankful for in my life. I am thankful that i have a wonderful and understanding husband to his moody wife, i am thankful for having such adorable kids, i feel so blessed whenever i see them growing happy and healthy. I am thankful that my family back home are well, and i am thankful that i made a lot of friends online and offline.
Also i am thankful that my life is showered with so many blessings. And i want to thank all of these blessings i got from BIG BOSS above who never fails to make me happy and protect me and so as my family and friends. And of course i wanna thank you all to those who visit me here to read some of my posts. Thank you so much and may you all have a great celebration being with your family and friends enjoying the sumptuous dinner!!!

Acsonix Review

To those who are desperately looking for a solution to your acne problem, i have a good news for you! I have found that there is a medicine that cures your acne within just seconds. You don't believe it? Why don't you read this acsonix review for you to see it yourself what i am talking about. You'll be surprised that this will help you end up looking for some regimen trying to get rid your zits problem. It's hurt you if you read it, you will even get an idea and a great solution to your problem instead. So take some time and read it and get more knowledge about the review i mentioned above.

A Day Skip Won't Hurt

It's thanksgiving day tomorrow! For sure every family in the country are preparing some sumptuous dinner for their loved ones. It's gonna be a happy day tomorrow for everyone, seeing each other for some of them are living out of town or maybe out of state that visits their family. I am sure that after the celebration, some people will worry about their diet got ruined lol! So to those who are on diet, don't forget to take your diet pills with you and eat like what you are just supposed to, don't forget that you want to drop some weight! Don't get tempted with the food that your family prepared for you, or unless you just want to forget your diet plan for only a day, that won't hurt though. Go ahead and enjoy the delicious dinner on your thanksgiving day!

Cause Of Wrinkles

I hate looking at the mirror now because of my eye bags. I haven't had a good sleep for a couple of days now and the result is having a horrible looking eye bags. If i keep on having a lack of sleep i might later on have some wrinkles and i hate to imagine myself having it. Well, if that happens then i don't really have to worry about it big time though since i can get a best eye wrinkle cream to make it disappear quick. Lack of sleep plus aging is the main reason why people get wrinkles, not to mention if the person is having so much stress in her life then she sure will get a lot of wrinkles. Not just in the eyes but also all over the face and i don't want that to happen to me which i don't think it will since i don't have a stressful life.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Desktop Icons Are Not Showing

You probably read my other website already ranting me about my laptop. My youngest son dropped it and broke the screen lid. Since i am not that expert when it comes to fixing things, i just tried to pushed it back to its original place. It did work alright but i can really tell now that my laptop is damaged. This laptop is been in my hands for almost three years now and still working just like new bought not until my little one did something to it.

It was the other night when i noticed that there was no icons anymore in my desktop, not even one. Again, he must have pushed something that made it disappear. I could not even restore them myself for i don't know how. So what i did was, i shared my problem to the networking website hoping someone can help me and tell me how to make the icons show up again. Good thing a friend told me how to do it. She also has the same problem with her little one, always messing up her laptop whenever she is not around. Agghhh!!! Little ones can be annoying sometimes, they messes up things and what's bad thing about it is, you cannot yell at them because they are just babies and they don't know what they were doing yet.

Well, i am glad that my computer is still working just as good, and my icons are back in my desktop. I am just hoping that this lappy won't give up on me later on. I love this laptop for it's been my companion and my instrument for making money while i am just at home. Even though hubby told me he will buy me a new one, still i will keep this laptop for i am emotionally attached to this one already. Sometimes, it's hard to let go of things though, especially that this laptop has so much memories i kept here.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Affordable Ipod

It's been two years since i gave my ipod to my youngest brother and now he still has it and still working great like it's supposed to. It was a little more expensive when i bought mine two years ago. It's expected that when time passes by, technologies gets more affordable. When i checked some ipods at the store, the price has gone down so much, i am thinking if i will buy one for myself again since i gave my previous one to my brother. Well, i am still thinking about it though, since i got something else to buy too, especially for my kids since Christmas is coming so soon. I will try to save my little income for them so i can buy them presents.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Grand Canyon Skywalk Getaway!!!

How are you going to spend your Thanksgiving day? Are you expecting some friends or relatives that comes to your house and spend the holiday celerbration with your family? Ours will be different this time. Although it wasn't really a planned trip but it got me so excited when hubby asked me what are we going to do on Thanksgiving since we are not expecting any relatives or friends that will come to our house to celebrate with us. It was a sudden plan, we actually talked about going to our capital city here in Utah to just mainly take our oldest son for a train ride. I was not that excited when hubby told me about it, he even told me that if i am not that interested going with them, i might just as well stay home with the little one.

Then later on, we talked about how we spent our Thanksgiving day last two years ago. I remember we went to northern Idaho, we stayed there for like three days and explored some part of the state. I love our stay over there, i was able to take some good shots, some memorable moments that i still am keeping them until now. Although i don't have a fancy camera that time then like what i have now (DSLR camera), but i still captured some good shots. So hubby said, that what if we go to a little more south this time, so we'll be warm during our trip? And he mentioned that we went to Arizona last two years ago around Christmas time, same place, the Grand Canyon where it is famous tourist spot located in Arizona next to our state, Utah.

So that got me so excited soon as hubby said that. I think it is a good idea going there again for the third time, and this time, i don't want to miss to shoot every angle of that beautiful place that amazes billions of people that some of them are dying to witness the beauty of that breath taking nature. Anyway, we are planning to spend our Thanksgiving day over there, and hubby said that if we still have plenty of time coming back, we might stop by at Zions park, Bryce Canyon where it is located in southern Utah. So how exciting trip is that for my family?

I am sure that my family will enjoy this coming trip. I hope that my little one will be all better before that day comes, he doesn't feel too well right now due to he is teething. I have to pack our things up probably on Monday, because we will be leaving on Wednesday soon as hubby comes home from work. I have to pack my camera back pack as well, to make sure i won't forget everything what i need for it. I really can't wait for next week, can't you tell? lol! So excited for another family get away. Hubby is really good on how to find my tickle spot, he makes me smile every time he tells me we are going for a short trip. We both love to travel, we don't miss the chance to plan a trip every time he has a long holiday vacation. This is gonna be our first time to this skywalk in Grand Canyon, and i am so anxious and excited!!!
Grand canyonskywalk

Replace The Old Desktop

My oldest son keeps on sneaking on my laptop because his desktop computer doesn't work anymore like it's supposed to. Every time i leave my laptop on, or even when it's shutdown, he'll use it and tells me later on that he is using it because his desktop is freezing on him. I guess it's time for us to replace his computer, it's been awhile since we had our desktop computer and it's probably just not as updated like the computers now that's why it's acting up lately. Hubby asked me to find best stores that sells brand new computers. I found one site that has tons of selections, they even have some business desktops too for those businessmen. That reminds me, that's what my brother probably got since he is running an internet cafe business.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Mini Me American Version

Most people say that my little man looks like me a lot, his face structure is a lot like mine. But he's more American version, his reddish hair, his hazel eyes, and his skin complexion. I am so happy to know that one of my kids got my genes, although they are all boys but at least they got something from my Asian genes. Also, i am happy that i am seeing some behaviors of them that shows they are somewhat Asian as well. Just like my oldest son, he eats what i eat. Unlike other kids that are very picky and parents are having hard time what to feed them. But his looks is a lot like his father, everything in him, except his skin complexion is like mine, darker but beautiful.

This little man is just like his big brother too, he eats whatever i feed him which is good. This is my mini me boy, he also acts like me, a boy with perseverance, determined and more into action. He's very opposite to his big brother which is more reserved and quiet, but full of questions in his minds that he wants to know the answer. He is one handful, yet very adorable and huggable. My kids are totally different in their own ways, and i love them both for what they are.
My little bully baby

Friday, November 12, 2010

Asking His Big Sister

Annoyed! That's the perfect word that my brother said. He is annoyed with his acne that sometimes hurts him. He gets those acne because he works in a dirty job plus he can't get a decent sleep due to their job's call. As we chatted yesterday, he asked me how to get rid of acne fast, because he is so annoyed with his acne already and wanted them to disappear as fast as he wanted it to be. As a big sister, i tried to help him by providing him some tips and websites as well where to get some treatment so he will no longer whines about how annoying his acne is. I also suggested that he should take some vitamins and eat less oily food and sweet treats so his acne won't get worse.

Branch Trimming

I fell asleep with my little one yesterday but i tried to be awake as possible as i can because hubby said he might not be able to come home on time to pick up our son at the school bus stop. It was around three o'clock in the afternoon when there was a noise woke me up. I hurried and wore my coat on and went outside. There was two men working right in front of our lawn trimming some of the branches of the tree by the street. I already been informed that there will be some workers that'll come by this time to trim some branches of the trees, i already told hubby about it too.

So they were working on the trees while i walked away a block from where i live to pick up my son. When i came back with my boy, they were still in our front yard finishing their work. My son asked me if he could stay in the front porch so he can watch the two guys cutting the branch, and i let him and told him not to get too close to them. He sat down by our front porch stairway. I came in the house and suddenly i heard a very loud noise. I went out again holding my camera, and saw the big machine that's grinding the branches they trimmed. It's neat to see those kind of machine, they cut the dead branches into small pieces. So i can't help myself not take a snap.
Machine the grinds the branches

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Custom Rubber Stamps

My brother is really happy for the progress of his internet cafe business. I just can't believe it myself that even though he just barely opened the business not too long ago, he's already gaining a lot of customers that keeps on going in to his shop. I am so happy for my youngest brother, he is really good in doing business especially when it involves computers. Now he's looking for a custom rubber stamps so he doesn't have to write his log book everyday for records's purposes. He wants to just have a stamp so he can just stamp those dates everyday, not writing it instead. Well, since i know where to get stamps that's affordable, i will just buy it for him and send to him, might as well i got something else to send too.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Bully Little Brother

When i had my youngest one, i was expecting that he will be a lot like his big brother. But as he is growing, i noticed and realized that he is totally different from my eldest. My five year old son is the one's quiet, reserved and a very observant boy. He notices everything and asks a lot of questions if he doesn't understand what is going on. The youngest one, although he doesn't talk yet, but i am seeing how very opposite he is from his big brother already. He is also a bossy kind, he wants to get what he wants right away and if he can't, then he will make so much noise and won't stop until he'll get the attention he wants.

Last night, big brother was playing his online game in his computer. And this bully little brother came and was so clever that he pushed the chair towards the computer desk and climbed through it. What he did was he smacked the keyboard and made his big brother's online game disappeared. He exit the online game and made his big brother upset. What's good thing about big brother is, he just can't dare hurt his little brother, all he can do is to cry or run to me and tell me that his little brother is being bully again, he's hurting him. I have been telling my oldest son that if his brother hurts him, he should not hurt him back for he doesn't know what he is doing yet. If he does it, then we will just put him in his crib so he will know that he is being timed out. This is just one of many pictures i got as evidence how bully is my youngest. I am just hoping that, he will change as he grows.
Bully baby brother turned off his big brother's online game

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Blessed Mother I Am

Don't you just feel so blessed if your child wakes you up and telling you that your breakfast is ready? My five year old son did it for the first time today. My heart jumped for joy after i saw his prepared breakfast in the kitchen table, a bowl of cold cereal, two bagels with whipped cream cheese on top and a glass of milk on the side. Although mess is expected at the area but i count of his effort more than the mess he made. It's the thought of serving me breakfast that i really love.

I never did expect that my son can actually serve me breakfast at his age, he is too young to think such things like this, but he actually did and i am so proud of him! I must have raised a good son, he copies what i do everyday and because of that, i feel so blessed for having him in my life. Not all mothers are blessed, and able to cherish every moment with their kids for some mothers has to go to work enable for them to feed their kids and support their needs. I just feel so lucky that i am a stay home mother that can watch my kids twenty four hours a day, seven days a week.

And because of what my son did for me, i gave him a tight hug and a sweet kiss in the morning. That way, he will feel that his effort is being appreciated by mommy, and of course i thanked him for thinking of serving me breakfast. He in fact told me that he will do it everyday, i thanked him once again although i don't count on it.
Handsome young man with his old trike

Techie Person He Is

Really nowadays is getting more advanced when we talk about technology. I can't even keep up with these new high technology that keeps on popping out in the market. Even though i like to be a techie person as they call it (likes to buy new technology kind of person), but still every time i see new ones, it just amazes me how these inventors could make such things. My brother is one techie person, he likes to collect new high technologies, those latest ones. I don't blame him because technology nowadays are considered as necessity, part of daily life of people. Just like his flash drive, he always carries it wherever he goes and it has some stuff stored in it. He even asked me if i could buy him another one because the one that he's got is getting full of the his important files. So, i am thinking that getting a new one for him and bigger memory will be just perfect for a christmas presents.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Folding Clothes, I So Hate It!

Yup, that's one and only chores i hate the most, is to fold the clean clothes. I dunno why i don't really like folding clothes. Ever since when i was still at my mother's house, she always scold me for not folding our clothes after it gets dry. And now that i got here in America and got a family of my own, it isn't so surprising for hubby anymore every time he sees big pile of clothes that needs to be fold and put away. He always tells me that he wanted to do it but then i will be unhappy if he will be doing it because he doesn't know how to fold clothes neatly either.

Finally after awhile, i was able to do what i must do. I folded all the clothes that's being in the laundry basket for a long time. And because i dragged myself to finish it, it got me kept going and decided to clean our drawers as well. I put all the summer clothes in a big bag and hid it in our closet. Now all the drawers are filled with winter clothes. After i did all that, i felt so good!!!!

It's not so annoying anymore to see my room filled with clothes that are begging to get some attention from me so i can take care of them, lol! Even my five year old son noticed that the room is all cleaned up and looking so tidy. He told me how did i do all that? lol! He is a smart boy, he knows mommy is too lazy when it comes to folding clothes. But i beat my laziness yesterday and i felt awesome because i did it! Don't you just feel great when you accomplish something which is you to do the most? Well, at least now i am so glad, i conquered my laziness lol! I have to practice to fold the clothes right after it gets dry so it won't be again, stack in a pile and becomes mountains again lol!