Having a credit card can be a pain sometimes. Especially when the credit cards you are having has high interest on it and it's not really secured. That's why i have my credit card from my own bank so that i don't have to deal with those fraud ones. Hubby is really careful when it comes to money. Of course no one would like to pay the purchases that you didn't get. Anyway, hubby and my credit card which we got it from our bank, has it what we call credit card processing for ensuring the credit card holder that the card is safe and secure. What's good thing about it is there is no hidden fees, no termination fees and some other fees that the other credit card has. So why do we have to deal to the unknown credit cards if we can get the secured and safe one? These days, we really have to be extra more careful especially when money is involve.
Friday, May 14, 2010
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