Monday, May 10, 2010

Old Canon Camera

I really am having fun with the group that my friend created in flickr. Even though we only have not so many members yet since the group is just barely created, all the members were all very cooperative on making the group more progressive and more exciting. Every Sunday, we get to share some ideas and suggestions what is going to be the subject for us to share. We are learning a lot of different concepts, tricks and trips on how to shoot the subject by sharing our subjects. Yesterday was the fourth Sunday we shared all our learnings, the subject was the vintage and i came up with my husband's old canon film camera. I learned a lot from this subject because i am found out that i can set my camera into a monochrome style image and can choose different shade of color. Here's the result of my image.
And if you want to see this at larger image, please click this LINK

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