Sunday, March 21, 2010

Just Busy Like A Bee

Hey i am back! Haven't been here for the last couple of days because i was too busy doing something else, although some of my business is playing game at friendship network, lol! Yeah, i was just busy though honestly, did sort all the clothes of my kiddos and so as mine. I need to get them ready before we leave because i am planning to have a yard sale by April or on May perhaps. Also, i got all my clothes packed in my luggage, i just have to bring some for my kiddos that are very light clothes for i know they cannot wear heavy shirts and pants over in Philippines due to the hot temperature over there. I am sure they would sweat like crazy. I remember my oldest son when we first visited Philippines, he was making fun of my mother's ceiling fan. He told us that the fan wasn't working right, it was broken, lol! Though it was working, he thought it was broken because it didn't blew much air like what he wanted and would satisfy him, silly boy. But anyway, i would like you to all know that i am still here, it's just that i am so busy lately. Not to mention i have never ending house chores to keep up.

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