Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I am not sure what i ate earlier that made me constipated now. My tummy is rumbling and i could just hear the air going round and round inside my stomach and that made my tummy hurts even more. I attempted going to the bathroom many times but i failed. Usually if i eat cheese or drink some whole milk makes me constipated, it's probably because of too much lactose or something to it that makes my tummy upset. But i didn't eat such food like those, and now i am wondering what makes my tummy upset. I keep on blasting right now and tried to stay away from my family so they won't smell the gas i keep on letting out that even a skunk would run away, lol! Anyway, i hope i will feel better later, it really is bothering me this constipation. I rarely get constipated but if i do, it takes awhile before it'll be gone. I hate getting constipated, who does like it anyway? Maybe i just have to drink lots and lots of water to help me calm my tummy down. Argghhh.... Here it comes again! Excuse me! I rather blog later!!! lol!

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