Friday, March 26, 2010

Remembrance Of My Income

I am so happy that the money i got from the paid blogging website that i almost didn't get, became a good remembrance. I just barely got back from taking my son to his school and stopped by at the store to buy some things. I bought my little amount of money a walker for my little potato. Hubby said that i should just forget it and don't worry about it, he knew i was really upset to this paid blogging website that didn't paid attention to my complaints. Good thing they finally did and was able to spend the money to a needful thing. My baby is so happy having his new walker. I just love looking at him with his new walker because i know that the walker he has right now is my own little income and almost didn't get it.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I am not sure what i ate earlier that made me constipated now. My tummy is rumbling and i could just hear the air going round and round inside my stomach and that made my tummy hurts even more. I attempted going to the bathroom many times but i failed. Usually if i eat cheese or drink some whole milk makes me constipated, it's probably because of too much lactose or something to it that makes my tummy upset. But i didn't eat such food like those, and now i am wondering what makes my tummy upset. I keep on blasting right now and tried to stay away from my family so they won't smell the gas i keep on letting out that even a skunk would run away, lol! Anyway, i hope i will feel better later, it really is bothering me this constipation. I rarely get constipated but if i do, it takes awhile before it'll be gone. I hate getting constipated, who does like it anyway? Maybe i just have to drink lots and lots of water to help me calm my tummy down. Argghhh.... Here it comes again! Excuse me! I rather blog later!!! lol!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Just Busy Like A Bee

Hey i am back! Haven't been here for the last couple of days because i was too busy doing something else, although some of my business is playing game at friendship network, lol! Yeah, i was just busy though honestly, did sort all the clothes of my kiddos and so as mine. I need to get them ready before we leave because i am planning to have a yard sale by April or on May perhaps. Also, i got all my clothes packed in my luggage, i just have to bring some for my kiddos that are very light clothes for i know they cannot wear heavy shirts and pants over in Philippines due to the hot temperature over there. I am sure they would sweat like crazy. I remember my oldest son when we first visited Philippines, he was making fun of my mother's ceiling fan. He told us that the fan wasn't working right, it was broken, lol! Though it was working, he thought it was broken because it didn't blew much air like what he wanted and would satisfy him, silly boy. But anyway, i would like you to all know that i am still here, it's just that i am so busy lately. Not to mention i have never ending house chores to keep up.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Slipper Babies

I remember when i was just in first grade my mother bought me the very first fancy slippers. It's kind of cushioned and it's a slippers that is meant for inside the house, not for outside. But because i was really excited to show it to my classmates and wanted to brag about it, i went to school wearing the slippers. I kept telling my classmates how expensive it is and they cannot buy something like what i have, lol! Silly me huh, it all because of my innocent mind haha.

But anyway, i just remembered those days, being young and silly. And because of that, i thought it would be fun browsing different styles of slippers. Indeed, i found lots of different varieties of slippers that most of them are fascinating and eye-catching. It amazed me how creative the people are, they get to have this idea that slippers can be fun to wear and has its creative designs. This photo i inserted below is one of those cute slippers i found. But could you dare to wear this kind of very unique slippers with a design of two babies lying on the floor and ready to be stepped on? lol!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Passport Issue

Speaking of passports that i posted in my other website, we just barely got the envelope that contained my kids's original birth certificates that the office took as requirements. Hubby and i are happy to know that it won't be long the passports of our kids will arrive soon. Sending the requirements back to us only means that their passports are being processed and it's on its way now. I am happy knowing that things are going well according to our plans. We just have to wait for the two passports and i am sure that it will be a week or two before it arrives here. I have mine renewed last year around April. I tried to renew it back home while i was there last 2008 but i wasn't able to due to those greedy hands office workers said that there was something wrong with my passport.
They told me that there is problem renewing my passport, it has same name and mine is not authentic, in short my passport has some issue. I was like what the heck? I have traveled already back and forth from here to Philippines and i didn't encounter not once with my passport. And now that i am going to renew it, there's problem? Are they crazy? So i decided to just renew it in San Francisco and i did, i got my renewed passport no problem. If i only knew those office worker that are in charge in Philippine office wants me to hand them some cash under the table, i just laughed at them in my mind how greedy they are. I feel so sorry for them though, that's why Philippines has no progress because almost people that has good positions in government office uses their power to get some money under the table, being greedy, using their position to illegal doings.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Counting The Days

May 23rd is not too long to wait yet it is for me. I am counting the days that passes by because i am so excited to go back to Philippines with my kids. Hubby will follow us two weeks before we comes back here. The more i count the days, the more the days gets longer for me, lol! I guess i am just longing to hug my dear beloved mother and my siblings as well, also to eat the food that i have been craving that i simply cannot find it and eat it here. Seems like i want to drag the days to pass by so quickly so the day that we are going to fly to Philippines will soon come. But anyway, since spring is coming, it might be a good diversion for me not to notice and not to count the days. I just hope it won't snow anymore so at least me and my family gets to enjoy more outside and have a picnic during the weekends.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Pumpkin Pie Lover

When i first got here in America, i hardly eat anything what food they have here. I was looking for those food that i used to eat back home. My husband tried his very best for my comfort to be at home to his own country. He bought me different kinds of food for me to taste but he failed. He just makes fun of me every time i try the food that he buys me because i always say this word with ugly face expression " I don't like it". He finds me cute by doing that, making silly face and saying that word. But later on i am slowly adapting and getting used to the food that they usually eat here, and i am loving it now. I still don't like the other food though but most of what my husband bought for me to taste, i am starting to love it.
The only food that my husband bought and appreciated it for the very first taste attempt was a pumpkin pie. I have never eaten pie before when i was in Philippines but when i tasted the pumpkin pie for the first time, i fell in love with the taste. Hubby was so happy then when i told him i love the pumpkin pie. From then on whenever we go buy groceries, he never fails to stop by at the bakery department and buy me a pumpkin pie. Now i am loving the pecan pie, strawberry pie, and the cherry pie as well, but can't seem to take the apple pie though, i can eat a little bit but not as much as i like the others.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Weather Caused It

I am blaming the weather for getting sick of my oldest son. He has been throwing up since he woke up and he said that his tummy is upset. He's scared to eat anything thinking that he will throw up even more if he has something in his tummy. I told him that he should have something to eat so to make him feel better. Every time he gets sick, i always make him porridge, it's light food and it's easy for him to swallow. My poor boy, he just had his allergy attack. Furry animals and him doesn't get along that well, it doesn't matter what kind of animals as long as it is furry then he must be away from it or else, he gets hives, sneezes too much and watery eyes. His Daddy is allergic to any furry animals too but not as bad as our son, he is very sensitive when it comes to animals. But anyway, i am hoping he will get better today so he can go to school tomorrow.

Monday, March 8, 2010

He Stands Up

My little potato knows how to stand up on his own for awhile now. He's liking it because he gets to see his big brother and Mommy while playing in our computer. I put my laptop beside his crib so when he gets tired and falls asleep in my arms, i could just easily put him down in his crib. Sometimes i am worried when he stands up because he might let go and will bump his head on the crib bars. Sometimes he gets tired being stuck in his crib so he does silly things so he can get my attention and will pick him up. Just like this photo i took last night, he took his shirt off almost, what a silly baby i have here!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

He Is Sweeter Than Treats

We just got back not too long ago from a very sumptuous dinner we had. Hubby took his family to a dinner that he promised. It was my birthday the other day and since he has to go to work, hubby promised that he will take us out to dinner today instead and he did. We went to Chili's restaurant thirty miles away from home and had our superb dinner out there. The family enjoyed the very delicious dinner, even the little one had a little bit of mashed potato.

My husband is really perfect for me, he is way sweeter than treats that i cannot even trade him from lollipop, lol! A very thoughtful man that i don't need to say anything and he just thinks of his family's needs. Although he has shortcomings and so am i, but that didn't really lessen my love for him, i could not ask for anything more, hubby is the most wonderful guy i have ever met in my whole life. A good husband and a great father to our kids. I want to thank the BOSS above for giving me such a wonderful guy as my partner in life and as the father of my kids. By the way, this photo i inserted below was taken by our oldest son MD, right after we got home from our family dinner.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Family Haircut Day

Hubby and i agreed last night that we are going to have haircut today, Him, Myself and our MD. But only Daddy and Mommy got the haircut done because MD threw a fit and refused not to. Daddy had his haircut and i had 4 inches hair trim. He cried and freaked out inside the salon as if he is about to be slaughtered or about to be hung. I have no idea why he is so scared of scissors since no one is scaring him about it. His excuse, the lady that will do the haircut for him might cut his ears! Goodness sakes! I don't know really where did he get that idea! But anyway, he agreed that Mommy will do the haircut here at home. But he has a condition, we have to buy him sandwich so he will say yes that i am going to cut his hair! What a wise boy we have here! But anyway, we bought him subway foot long next door where the salon is and we headed home after. Will post his new haircut probably tomorrow.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

It's My Day! My Very Special Day!!!

Yay! It's my very special day today! I am now sweet 18!!! Hahahaha i wish! That was 10 years ago already lol! Well, anyway, i was really surprised that a lot of friends remembered my very special day. They greeted me at my facebook account and i am so speechless because my profile page got flooded by so many greetings from dear friends... Some said i am no good to be a friend, but after all, i found out that lots of friends loves me because they are thinking of me and took some time to write their sweet thoughts just to greet me on my big day!

Maybe i am not good to those who aren't worth to be my friend haha! Enough of that, i am really really really happy today knowing that lots of people loves me and remember me, thank you so much friends for all the birthday greetings!!! I truly appreciate all your effort to express your sweet thoughts on greeting me on my birthday, i can't thank you enough.. And i want to thank GOD of course first and foremost, for giving me another year, another life, and a lovely family of my own, and genuine friends that i can keep in my heart forever! Thank you so much my big BOSS!!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Happy 7 Month Old Little Potato!

My baby is now seven month old today! I am so happy that my baby is growing so fast, healthy and happy! I weighed him last Monday when he got his shots and he weighed about 18 lbs. Although he is a little sick today, drooling too much because he is probably teething, but still he eats good which i am glad. He can now stand up on his own feet holding his bar crib or something that he can hold on to, like his big toys or the coffee table in our front room. His development is so fast and i am not gonna be surprised in a little bit soon he would take few steps. I sure am going to miss him when he was just barely out from me just like his big brother, but i guess i cannot stop him from growing! I love you so much baby ko! Mommy sure is proud and blessed having you! You brought joy to your family's heart and make us smile every time we see you happy and giggling...

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Bored, Nothing To Write

I am so bored to death! I can't think of anything that is fun for me to do right at this very moment. I already watched all the prime time soap operas that i love to watch. I peeked all the paid blogging websites i am in but no offers waiting for me to write. It feels great whenever there's offers because i feel like it's worth sitting here in front of my computer while playing my silly games in facebook and making money at the same time by writing the offers that's been assigned to me. At least that way, i am being productive while i am being at my online world. So where are those offers now? I have been waiting for them, give me some assignments and will be so glad to do them no matter how many it is lol!

I am so inspired to write and update my blog right now that's why i am looking for something to write. Since i cannot do a whole lot outside, i might as well do something here inside that will keep me entertained. I do hope that i am going to have even at least three or so assignments tomorrow or the next day perhaps. I am so looking forward to it...

Monday, March 1, 2010

Shots For My Boys

I just got back with my little potato. I left the house around ten minutes before my oldest one got off from school and picked him up and went to the clinic to get my little potato's immunization. My husband and i agreed that we will meet there so he can help me with our boys while the little one is going to have his three shots. So i got there first and hubby came a little bit after i did. He went there straight after he got off from work. It wasn't on the plan to get our oldest one's a shot too but good thing hubby asked the nurse over there who took care of us and she told us that he might as well get the shots since we were there already.

So it was the youngest one had his turn first. He had three shots, two on the right leg and 1 on the left leg. Then the big brother was the last, we had to hold him so tight because he was strong enough to move around. They both threw a fit but we were able to hold them with our might so we can put them both still. The oldest one cried so hard because he is now big enough to feel the pain from the needle pokes. For him to settle down, we bribed him telling him that we are going to Arby's so he will feel better. He went quiet all of the sudden and said " Arby's will make me very happy!" Then Daddy said, "Alright! That sounds great, let's go!" And that made our son happy and he is good, he is not gonna have another shots until he will be junior high. The little one is good until his first birthday. Hubby and I were glad we got it all done today. They threw a fit but that was just for a little bit and they are both fine and happy now.