Sunday, September 13, 2009

Hard To Adjust

Now that i have two boys to take care of, it is hard for me to adjust my situation. Aside from i just barely gave birth a month ago, my oldest one is getting so demanding when it comes to giving him some attention. I guess this is what they are trying to tell me now. Jealousy would really occur temporarily, but i am hoping that he can also adjust the situation like what i am trying to do and realize that he's got now a small baby brother that needs my attention the most more than him. I have been trying to explain it to him that i did all the caring when he was a baby like his baby brother too. But seems like he didn't understand what is happening to us yet that his baby brother is one addition to our family and he is the youngest that needs most the attention of his parents and from his big brother.

My mother always reminding me everytime i phone her that i should cope up with the oldest one when the baby is asleep since babies sleeps all the time as this age. But i can't just help myself to get some rest too while the baby is sleeping because i am still exhausted from the terrible situation of delivering this boy. I really need a whole lot of rest for me to gain my energy back quick. I only have one body that also needs some attention, in times like this, it makes me wants to go home and let my mother takes care of me.

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