Thursday, September 8, 2011

She's Clueless

Thanks to Erasmo Cortez

I wish my daughter took her personal safety a little more seriously but ever since she bought that house she seems to think she’s invincible. I don’t know why it bugs me so but I just worry about her a lot and I know she doesn’t lock her doors and stuff as much as she should. I went and got her an alarm system so she would be a bit safer but I know she hardly ever sets it so it’s not like it does her that much good anyway! She’s a great kid and she’s usually really smart but I feel like lately she’s had a really hard time getting in touch with reality and I want to be there to help and guide her just like I did when she was younger. I’m her dad and I know that I know best but sometimes it’s tough finding a way to get her to understand that! I guess when I was 25 I thought I knew everything, too, just like her.

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