Friday, August 13, 2010

Long Time

It's been decade i think since i last saw my long lost friend. I finally was able to talk to him in person last fiesta in the island where my mother lives. He attended the alumni home coming reunion although he didn't graduated here. I was so happy when i saw him and didn't recognized him right away for it's been so long already. Anyway, he is now an engineer that works in the company that makes barcode scanner. He's got his own family too and got 4 kids. Lucky him for he's got two both, two girls and two boys, plus his wife is beautiful and a good hearted. Well, i am so happy for him. The things i remember about this friend was he used to be a brat and does silly things, but i guess he behaved good and becomes a good husband and a loving father to his kids now as what i am seeing it from him.

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