Monday, April 26, 2010

Gotta Enjoy The Nice Weather

Another good weather yesterday and we enjoyed it with my family and some friends. Although it was a little chilly because we stayed by the pond where there's lots of pigeons, ducks and geese over there. I took a lot of photos to those different kinds of birds and just couldn't help myself but to take some snaps with the beautiful clouds as well. I also have lots of snaps of them but this is the best i could share it to you guys. I was a little upset knowing the news report that this coming Wednesday until the rest of the weekend will be raining or there's possibility of snow storm again. I have been out so much with my dear family and haven't been online that much anymore. I only get online when i have some photos to download and wanted to share online. Ugh! Sick of snow really, and even though i know that it won't stay on the ground very long, still it would ruin the nice weather that we are suppose to have already.
And if you want to see this at larger image, please click this LINK

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