I learned a lot of things just because of my previous post, a lot of mothers had reacted to it. I respect everyone's points of view and decisions and i am expecting the same way in return. I am a mother of a 3 year old boy and i must say that i am trying to be a good mother and trying to mold my son so he will become a good and fine person someday. I know that everybody has different ways of how they raise their child and they practice of what they think is the best for the child. I am one of the billions of mothers in the world who is aiming that my child will be a respectful human being, has good manners and behavior.
I know also that i have offended some of my readers here because of a certain word that they think is really a big no no to them. I understand them, that's how they brought up and that's what they are going to apply to their children. I have no questions about that and i don't doubt to their capability to raise their children because as what sayings say "Mothers knows best". I love my son and i don't abuse him, as what others said that there is a fine line between spanking and abusing. And i have been telling this over and over that i spank my son just enough for him to realize that i mean it and he should mind me as his mother.
I love to hear other mother's opinion because from that, i learn so many things. Just like what i told to
Laane, that i am a very open minded person, but not perfect not to get offended. I am asking an apology to those who got offended here. I would like you all to know that i love my son so much and i am doing that i think what is best for my son for him to be a good man someday and of course i don't intent to harm him. And of course he is happy and just like other ordinary kids that wants to jump around and make some mess in the house. I only punish him when it is really needed to do so, but it is very rare to happen because he knows not to do such things that is not right.
Laane, my apology if you got offended to my way of disciplining my child but sometimes letting your child get hurt a little bit does work. I hope that you will be able to read this for you to understand my side and i don't want to offend my readers, my intention here is to update my son's progress as he grow up. So peace be with you and God bless!